The HERBAL MEDICINE ELECTRIC BOILER will stop boiling when the water inside goes down to about 200 ml. You start boiling the herbs with about 1,250 ml. of water adding to the herbs. Then it will keep warm until you switch off the electric.
What are signs of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?
Children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, may have signs of hyperactive behaviour, a lack of attention and difficulty concentrating.
Signs of hyperactive behaviour
Fidgeting and restlessness, almost constantly
Not sitting in the same seat for any length of time
Running or climbing inappropriately
Talking too much
Always playing too loudly
Always "on the go"
Blurting out answers to questions in school
Cutting in line or unable to wait for a turn in activities
Interrupting others
Signs of a lack of attention
Difficulty following instructions
Not seeming to listen to parents or teachers
Not being able to focus attention on activities
Frequently losing things needed for school or at home
Not being able to pay attention to details
Appearing disorganized
Being unable to plan ahead effectively
Being forgetful
Appearing very distractible
Most children with ADHD show signs of both hyperactivity and attention problems. Some children, though, may have only signs of inattention. They may have trouble concentrating and paying attention, but they may not show signs of hyperactivity. This kind of problem used to be called attention-deficit disorder (ADD). ADD is now thought of as a form of ADHD.
THE STAR NEWSPAPER (Malaysia): Hopes pinned on him
People from all over the world queue to see acupuncturist Leong Hong Tole who has made a name for himself in the world of traditional complementary medicine. Click here to read the news at The Star Online Newspaper.
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